467 In pubs, at bus stops, there is one subject that everyone can talk about: the weather. 8734 Indeed, even politicians can talk about the weather calmly! Unfortunately, like politics, a lovely, blue sky can quickly become overcast and menacing. 23001 When a thunderstorm strikes, the sky fills with light and rumblings. Flashes of light illuminate the countryside. 32201 The weathermen spend years studying the weather, but they haven’t managed to explain why storms always happen on bank holidays, when everyone wants to go to the seaside or into the country. You’d think that Mother Nature never checks the date before watering her garden. 49134 Children love thunder and lightning, but they’re afraid of it too. They know that lightning can be fatal and they hide under their beds. 59467 In the middle of the night you have the impression that it’s the middle of the day. 64134 You can estimate the distance of the storm by counting the time between the lightning and the thunderbolt. If the time is very short, you’d better not fly your kite! 75601 Adults, however, spend half their lives waiting to fall in love, which some say is like being struck by lightning. But that’s got nothing to do with the weather! 87334 There are some seasons when it rains more often. In spring and autumn, for example, showers are very frequent. Rain can arrive suddenly and disappear ten seconds later. 100801 In certain places in the world, during the monsoon, centimetres and centimetres of warm rain fall each afternoon. 109001 The rain waters the ground and makes the soil richer, which then yields abundantly. This explains why equatorial countries are very verdant. 119801 However, an absence of water leads to drought and makes life difficult. 126068 When the sun and rain meet, a rainbow appears. Tradition says that you can find gold at the end of a rainbow. 134068 But hurry up and get the most from these natural phenomena because they don’t last long! 139801 Hop! It’s already disappeared! Never mind! Just be happy with this radiant sky. 147135 The air is cooler and the luminosity brighter. Quick, let’s go out! It’s time to take advantage of it. 154668 Don’t forget your sunglasses, sun cream and umbrella... just in case there’s another shower. 160135 In any case, let’s rejoice since everyone knows that after the rain comes the good weather.